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Marine Ecosystems


Marine ecosystems, ranging from deep oceans and benthos to shallow coastal reefs, seaweed and seagrass beds, mangrove forests and coastal wetlands, are vital for regulating the health of our oceans, supporting biodiversity, and sustaining the livelihoods of millions of people globally. Yet, these ecosystems are under increasing threat from human activities such as pollution, habitat degradation, overfishing, and climate change. Effective management and conservation are critical to mitigating these impacts and ensuring the resilience of marine environments into the future.


Blueshift supports the conservation and sustainable management of marine ecosystems by providing expert guidance to clients in areas like blue carbon, impact assessment, and habitat restoration. We partner with our clients to help assess the ecological impacts of their operations, ensuring that projects and initiatives work with the marine environment rather than against it. We also work with traditional sectors and new initiatives seeking to develop more regenerative practices and whole new industries.


We typically work with emerging and state-of-the-art technology and systems to support data collection and analyses such as remote sensing (satellite, aerial and underwater, numerical modelling, big data (advisory, collection and analytics and presentations), mapping/GIS, digital model/twins and visualisations and AI-ML tools, eDNA, natural capital accounting and ecological econometrics.


BHP Blue Carbon 


VS Benthic Surveys Shurayah Island


Assessment of Coral Reef and Pelagic Fisheries in NEOM

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